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Edward:  "Do you really think I'm the only one? Then ask yourself this: you ever treat someone like crap in this school? Or left anyone out? You ever broken up with someone in the time it takes to pass a note and disappear? Or talk trash behind their back? Or maybe you just ignored it all, you know. While you worry about the big game or the prom or the bake sale for the pep club. You ask yourself that and then you tell me is anyone else out there."

Rachel: "700 days. High school. Out of twenty or thirty thousand. Can't you see past that? It's only 700 days"
Edward: "Yeah and how many of these days do I get back? Do I get back the days I got spit on? Or the day I learned to look at the floor when I walked the halls? Or how about the day when my dad came to pick me up and saw me getting my ass kicked on the quad and realized his son was a loser. You ever see the look in your father's eyes when he realizes that? Do I get that day back? 'Cause I saw that same look the day he left me and my mom."

Mouth: "It's not supposed to be this way. The artists and the scientists and the poets... None of them fitted in at seventeen. You're supposed to get passed it. Adults, they see kids killing kids and they know it's a tragedy because they used to be those kids. The bullies and the beaten and the loners. You're supposed to get passed it. You're supposed to live long enough to take it back. Just take it all back."

Det här avsnittet är förmodligen det bästa som gjorts under alla säsonger. Det får nog vem som helst att tänka till. Det får mig att fälla tårar och det får mig att vilja agera och göra något.

Enligt statistik bör en frisk människa leva 30.000 dagar, 80 år. Alla bör ta sitt ansvar att se till att alla dessa 30.000 dagar räknas, både för sig själv och för andra. Och ingen ska någonsin behöva känna att man har förlorat dagar på grund av andra. Det är inte okej att säga att man kommer att leva tillräckligt länge för att kunna ta tillbaka dessa dagar. Allt kan hända. 30.000 kanske bara blir 10.000. Oavsett siffra så ska ingen dag gå till spillo. Ingen dag ska behöva gå förlorad. Det gäller att ta sitt ansvar.

Nickelback - If today was your last day

PUBLICERAT: 2009-05-08, 13:55:35 | URL: http://ninalundmark.blogg.se/

one.tree.hills3e16, världens bästa serie!


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